Health is Wealth
posted 5/26/2021
by Sam Ray
Laura is one of the newest additions to our Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Flint team. Originally from Grand Blanc, she was previously a preschool teacher at Faith Lutheran.
She is currently working on preparing the Hoop House for the upcoming growing season. Laura is excited to be able to give to the community and to work with kids at the Boys & Girls Club. We sat down with her for a Q&A to inquire about gardening and the aspirations she has to engage youth in wellness programming.
Hi Laura, what is a common mistake people make when planting?
One common error is not doing proper research for certain plants. There are certain plants that don’t grow well next to one another. Some plants just aren’t compatible with each other and it can make it harder for them to grow. Looking up information about the specific plant you want to grow can only help.
What is your favorite thing to grow?
I love cucumbers because the taste is so refreshing during the summertime. I also like planting herbs, so I have something fresh when I’m cooking.
The Club has a 30-by-75-foot Hoop House. What plans do you have for this summer?
My biggest focus for the summertime is the overall wellness program at the Club. I love to see the kids learn the entire process from start to finish. We will be planting a variety of fruits and vegetables, with special attention to items that they eat at home. I want to show them that through proper health and wellness, we can overcome any of the problems we encounter.
What is the best part of the job for you?
It is nice to have a space to teach kids about gardening and give them important knowledge that they can use in the future. The best part about this job is being able to show and provide teachable moments to Club members. One kid forgot my name so he decided to call me “Ms. Flower,” and I love that.